Over the past few weeks i've been mega busy with college work as we've been completing our graded unit. This is the unit that will determine our final grade so it was so important to me that i did well. I had originally planned 4 portrait shoots but felt i was letting myself off too easily so booked in another 2.
My models were all brilliant and very patient with me as i'd never done shoots with brand new babies, todlers or women before on my own. It was a brilliant experience and a perfect chance for me to show the lecturers and my fellow students what i'm capable of.
At the end of my meeting with the lecturers they kindly informed me i have an A grade pass, although the unit isn't finished yet, i'm already into the A group. To hear this i could have actually cried! Although i don't think my two male lecturers would liked that so much. I feel like i've finally found my true calling, photography is something i absolutely LOVE and gives me a great opportunity to show off my creative side.
I'd now really love to start up my own business, although i am aware grampian already has some brilliant photographers. But i'm sure there's room for a little one!! ..... xxx