Saturday, 29 May 2010

Babies, Babies, Babies!

This week i've had a few shoots with young Children which i have absolutely loved. Here are a couple of the images for a wee preview.

This weekend i am up in Macduff for the 3rd COAST Festival. The show has been brilliant for publicity and to show off some of my work that hasn't been displayed before. If you are around the area drop in and visit me! x

Sunday, 16 May 2010

Ok so its been a good few weeks since i updated this blog as things have been soooo hectic. Between college and shoots i just haven't had the time! With only a few weeks left of college before i graduate things are getting extremely stressful. I have 2 exhibitions coming up: one for college and another for this years COAST festival. The image below is a self portrait i did for my college exhibition. To be honest i'm not the most confident of girls when it comes to my looks so this was a real challenge for me. I did some post production editing just to hide my flaws so i'm reasonably happy with the results.....

On a lighter note i had my birthday this week. I really am extremely lucky. My family clubbed together to get me a studio background along with the supporting stands so now i can do portrait shoots anywhere and know i have the right background. Then my AMAZING boyfriend has bought me a new laptop especially for my photography. So although i feel a bit stressed and down about things just now, i know i have my brilliant family, friends and boyfriend to keep me going. I really am a lucky girl (can i still be that now i'm 24?) xxx